This one wasn't necessarily successful as the only spiderling to make it full term died during it's 2nd instar molt. The data, though limited, may still be useful for some attempting to breed this species.
Female's ID: Se_ru_01

Male ID: Loaner male from a local keeper's collection
First pairing: 26 October 2009
Last pairing: 26 October 2009
Total pairings: 1
Eggsac found: 12 January 2010
Eggsac pulled: 26 January 2010
Stage when eggsac was opened: Eggs
Post embryo stage: 31 January 2010
1st instar molt: 10 February 2010
2nd instar molt: 9 March 2010

Total 2nd instar spiderlings: 0 - Only a single first instar made it to the 2nd instar molt, but this one died during the molt.